Serverless Backends
Serverless backends built using Amazon Web Services (AWS) technologies • Functionality and business logic implemented using Lambda functions • Data stored in DynamoDB for a trully serverless architecture as well as RDS and Aurora • REST API using API Gateway • GraphQL API using AppSync • User pools and authentication using Cognito • Blob storage using S3 • Backend defined using CDK
Classic Backends
Classic backends with a modularized monolith or service-oriented architecture • Implemented using in Java using the Spring Framework, server-side Swift using the Vapor framework, or TypeScript using a Node.js framework like Express or Hono • Deployable directly on EC2 or containerized on ECS and EKS • Backend defined using CDK
macOS and iOS Applications
Native macOS and iOS applications using Swift and SwiftUI • Add a serverless or classic backend, bring your own, or use a headless CMS
Web Applications
Single Page Applications (SPA) built using Nuxt • User interface built using Tailwind CSS, UnoCSS, Bootstrap, and more • Add a serverless or classic backend, bring your own, or use a headless CMS • Deployable on Cloudflare, AWS, and many other platforms
Static Websites
Static Site Generated (SSG) websites using Nuxt • User interface built using Tailwind CSS, UnoCSS, Bootstrap, and more • Deployable on Cloudflare, AWS, and many other platforms